Are there any ways to fight ageism in society?
There is no reason to be a subject of ageism as you get older. You can overcome age discrimination with some effort. I think we shouldn’t let ourselves be pushed around because we’re just older!
We must engage in the world instead of standing over there, starring at what youngers are doing. Live the moment while planning for the future. Show your children and grand kids that you are aware of technological changes. If you feel comfortable, use email and social media to show them that you can use technology the same way they do.
By the way, don’t forget your privilege: we’re filled with experience and wisdom coming with age. Put it to good use and stay positive. Don’t escape young people; instead, surround yourself with people younger than you, like taking a class with younger people at the gym or community college to combat ageism. That enthusiasm comes from being with more youthful people motivating you to push yourself. In my opinion, exercising can be an excellent way to stay young and fight ageism; try taking Yoga or Pilates classes.