How can one combat ageism mentally?

Not so many people in this universe actually love to get older! Believe it or not, aging is not everyone’s favorite. Most people think aging is a scary thing. Do you know why? They don’t have any perspective of their life in the future, and life is full of wonders and pathless journeys. So it’s normal for most people to experience some existential crises in different levels of the aging process, like at the beginning of their 30s or 40s.
First of all, don’t worry! Every creature ages. There’s no Benjamin Button in the real world! Second, aging is not as scary as you think, and it’s the truth! Actually, it’s joyful. As you get older, so many concepts, points of view, and challenges start to look different in your mind. You’re going to begin to settle, become more relaxed, and enjoy the journey of life! Sounds better, Nah?!
Anyways, if you’re looking for some tips to overcome the issues related to ageism and its consequences, here are some beneficial ones to improve your mental health.
1. Turn off the silent mode!
The different observations show that as people get older, they become quieter and less talkative in family gatherings or meetings. Don’t sit at the corner. Participate in discussions or even be the one who starts them. Let’s feel alive! Live in the moment with an eye to the future. Be more sociable. Be aware of what’s happening around you by reading the newspaper, following the news (not only the negative ones!), and joining social media to communicate more. Make yourself busy with learning new skills or joining the local gym.
2. Stay positive!
Yes, we’ll know that life is not easy at all. It’s full of challenges, issues, and pains, okay! But the fact is, it’s not going to be better by standing aside and nagging about everything all the time. There is hope in the most desperate times, and there is a lesson and beauty through any pain. So what should we do to maintain our mental health in this situation? Make it easier by staying positive and looking on the bright side.
3. Maintain your independence like America!
Aging is not equal to losing abilities. You can still do your own daily routines like shopping and chores. Stay independent and let everyone know that you still have control of your own life.
4. Surround yourself with younger people!
One of the best ways to fight ageism is to be in a young and dynamic environment. Due to this aim, try to communicate with young people as much as possible. Gyms, language classes, and communities full of young people are perfect places to join and enjoy their vibe and energy.
5. Volunteer
Join the communities which work for public utilities or charities. Doing charities and helping other people brings enormous hope and light to your life. You don’t need to turn into mother Teresa; a few hours of work on some weekends would be enough.