Is it elegant if you begin to dress according to your age, or does it show that you are giving in to ageism?

There is no ideal “look” for 50+-year-olds, is there?
It seems we are left with a modified and highly maintained version of what’s attractive for 30-year-olds. We’re basically told that to look pretty, we’ve got to look like we are somewhere between the ages of 18 to 29 at all times. But what if we want to be attractive at 60?
As a society, people are just beginning to accept that women above 50 are sexual beings too. Sexual activity and maturity change with age, and that is a natural and healthy process. So, why our definition of what’s attractive is so outdated?
The media spends billions to showcase the lifestyles of the Real Housewives, and we pity older women who desire to look younger, and ironically, punish the young for dressing too old for their age.
We need to remember ourselves as sexual, social beings, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting to look attractive, no matter our age. We’ve got to challenge ageist beauty ideals in our day-to-day activities. Search for younger and older role models in our community and in popular culture and honour them. Ageism should not affect the way we define others or ourselves or the way we choose to dress. That choice is entirely up to us.