When writing a resume, what can you do to avoid ageism effectively?

While there are some ways to avoid giving out your age on your resume, including hiding birth dates, high school or college graduation dates, or work experience older than a decade, I do not suggest any of them, and here is why:
Imagine destroying all evidence of your age on your resume to make your application appeal more to certain employers. What happens next? What if they ask for interviews or meetings? What if you get a reputation for hiding important information on purpose?
There is a meager chance of working for a place and managing to keep your age from them forever. Instead, highlight your experience and skills. Have faith in your work and the years you have improved your professional life. True, ageism exists. Yet dishonesty does not solve the problem, and if it does, it’ll only be temporary. My advice is to stay true to your record. If it gets you the position, great; if not, why would you want to work for people who discriminate based on age anyway?