Good Relationship with the Elderly and Its Advantages
Being neglected by others and isolation are among the main problems the elderly face. There should be facilities for the elderly to maintain a vibrant relationship with other family members and friends. Keeping a good relationship with the elderly helps them achieve mental health and postpones the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. There are several methods to ensure this relationship:
- Participation in various active social groups
- Interacting with friends
- Travelling
- Involvement in voluntary social acts
The elderly are sometimes vulnerable due to their physical and mental states, so it is essential to surround them with attention and love. We all have this period ahead of us, so it’s only fair to value the elderly, spend time with them, and not withhold your love. Due to their unique physical and mental needs, seniors are among the most vulnerable groups in a society deprived of their rights and freedoms. They are exposed to violations of their rights and liberties, willingly or unwillingly.
What the Elderly Needs
The elderly have reached a stage where they need attention and love after a lifetime of effort and experience. Just as children at different age levels have different spiritual needs and the right behaviours must be used to deal with them, so do adults need to be appreciated for their past efforts by children and family members around them.
Today’s elderly are the same mothers and fathers of yesterday who have cared for and raised their children with great difficulty but with love. Now, they need the love and respect of their children, even if they are not financially needy. We should not forget this and learn about their actual needs.
The elderly are a valuable asset and can provide young people with years of experience and knowledge, particularly their own children.
Attention and Communication with the Elderly
Some tips must be considered regarding communication with the elderly, which are as follows:
- Please pay attention to their needs and do your best to fulfill them because their mental and physical health depends on them.
- Be sure to visit them at short intervals and show your love. Do not let them feel that spending time with them is tedious and frustrating.
- Today, many of us are preoccupied with business and daily life. We may not be able to visit frequently, but various occasions and holidays are an excellent opportunity to meet and spend time with them.
- Just visiting the elderly shows that you value and care about them. Inviting them to your home also creates a sense of worth and interest in them.
- They would absolutely love and appreciate gifts and flowers. Their birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, various holidays, etc., can be good excuses to give them presents.
Respect their Beliefs
Everyone is entitled to their own values and beliefs. They have lived in another era with another complete set of rights and wrongs, which is just fine.
They have gone through complex historical events and socio-economic conditions. It may be difficult for you to comprehend this, but you must realize that only a good relationship can bridge this generation gap.
Ask for Their Wishes
The first step in communicating with the elderly is to get to know them. This knowledge is better formed by awareness of their needs. To get to know the elderly, you need to ask them questions to understand their concerns better and offer better help.
Remember to be patient with the older person’s response and pauses.
Be an Enthusiastic and Empathetic Listener for the Elderly
You need to value and respect what the elderly say when talking to them. Active listening is more than just listening. It is empathy for the elderly which means understanding what they judge or sense in different situations.
The elderly are very receptive to your non-verbal communication, such as smiling, nodding to confirm, eye contact, holding hands, compliments, and so on. So with a simple frown, you can upset them, and with a simple smile, you can cheer them up.
Pay Attention to the Tone of Your Voice
It is best to speak in a calm, considerate, and respectful manner. Even if the older adult has a hearing problem, you should never raise your voice or shout to talk to them.
Communicating with Bad-Tempered Seniors
Seniors already feel inadequate due to the loss of old age. You can calm their bad temper and invite them to peace, conversation, and friendship by providing better conditions and empathy.
Do Not Be Disappointed
The person you are trying to help often violates your rules and may deliberately sabotage him or herself. At a certain point, you may lose hope, but your patience, trust, and understanding of older people’s routines and habits will make your initial failure a success. By following their habits, and a planned approach, you will have a lasting effect on the person you care for, and in time your relationship will be much happier and less distressing. This method will teach you what will help the caregiver at any time. Remember what good and consistent actions make them feel so that you can behave the same if needed. You need to know that anything unexpected upsets them.
Return the Elderly to a Normal Life
Seniors forget what is going on in the community around them. It is frustrating not to know what is happening in the world around us. We need to create circumstances for the elderly to return to everyday life. What is already familiar to them makes the elderly feel safe and feel like they have some amount of control over their lives. It may take a long time to build an effective routine.
Final words
Keeping a good relationship with the elderly helps them achieve mental health and postpones the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
It is essential to surround them with attention and love. We all have this period ahead of us, so it’s only fair to value them exactly how we hope to be treated someday.
Knowing an individual’s temperament will build a solid foundation of mutual trust and respect and is highly advantageous for both parties.
Taking care of the elderly is something we should all do. It’s not just their physical health that matters. In my opinion, mental health is way more important than physical health. The elderly generations are more feeling people than we are, they have strong feelings and that’s something we can all learn from them.
I think it is up to individuals to have a good relationship with each other. And age might not be that important. I’m 69 and I have a 13-year-old grandson. The last time he came to visit me he told me he liked hanging out with me more than hanging out with his friends. I was really happy when he said that. I think what matters the most in having a good relationship with each other is whether your personalities match or not.
I’m happy for you and your grandson. Regarding your attitude about relationships, I’m not of the same idea. I suppose people can maintain healthy and happy relationships regardless of their personality types and that requires a little understanding, sympathy and being willing to listen to others attentively.
i live with my elderly parents. we always have fun moments with them, I think we should understand each other because each of us has different expectations from life. so if we want to have a better life we should respect each other. in this way we never have any arguments together.
I think I’m fortunate for the sake of having my grandparents. Their fairytale stories filled all my childhood, and this is what makes me a dreamer person.
I agree with you; I think it’s one of our responsibilities to take care of them and always show them our love by little things like taking them to lunch, visiting them at their home or buying something for them.
I remember the relationship I had with my grandpa, he was the best and I really enjoyed talking to him but unlike my cousins, I actually listened to his stories and had a conversation about his points of view. It really helped with our relationship and I was his favourite grand child.
It’s so sad because I have never seen my grandparents. The only image I remember from my grandma is when I was three and nothing more. They were all sick, and I lost them so soon.
Sadly, three of my grandparents are deceased. I mailed letters to one of my grandmothers, before her passing. She was the one I was closest to. I didn’t call enough, though…
That’s something I regret not doing. Calling them and writing so they would know that I actually do love them. I suppose I was trying to find the perfect timing.
I didn’t abandon them, and I definitely did not forget them, but my timing was just terrible. I guess I should have reminded myself that they may not want to live forever, although I certainly would have hoped so.
I just LOVE older people!
I had and still have, thank God, the most amazing grandparents! Both My grandfathers died in October, but I still have my Nana.
My grandparents are one of the reasons I adore my country and, more specifically, my city! Ever since I was young, they used to tell me stories about the past upheaval in my city and how they got through it all. Stories about how tough their lives were and how strange our new world seems to them right now!
It makes me want to be like them, strong and happy!