The 8 Most Destructive Habits that Silently Age Elderly Skin

The aging process begins with birth, and as time passes, the physical changes of the elderly skin become more evident. The first noticeable aging signs appear on the face.

This drastic change brings spots, warts, pimples, thinner skin, and less fat. Your skin is no longer as chubby and smooth as it once was, and the veins and bones are more visible. Cuts and scratches take longer to heal; as a barrier, the skin is no longer as effective as it once was, and it does not repair itself as well as it once did.

Despite these undeniable changes, which are part of all human nature and should be cherished, humans, from the earliest records of civilization, have always attempted to turn back the hands of time, fight with this natural process, and reverse it.
Anti-aging, the pursuit of prolonging youth, is an ageless pursuit. It is a fact that we cannot stop longing for eternity and eternal youth. However, we sometimes forget that some small habits can silently age our skin.

Hence, today on Living Maples, we will discuss some of these small yet significant and harmful habits that we take for granted, some natural anti-aging tips and routines that allow us to delay the aging process.

8 Habits that Silently Age Elderly Skin

The aging process has two types: intrinsic or chronological aging and extrinsic, or premature aging. Several simultaneous mechanisms cause intrinsic aging. As we age, our skin cells produce less collagen and elastin; these fibres make up our dermal matrix, which allows our skin to bounce back into place.
Therefore, the skin slowly loses its ability to spring back to the place. The skin’s cell turnover slows down during intrinsic aging, leaving excess dead cells on the surface. Besides, thinner skin collapses the dermal-epidermal junction. On the other hand, extrinsic aging results from external influences and the many harmful habits ingrained in us over time. They are as follows:

Age elderly skin - 8 the most destructive things for face

1. Getting Insufficient Sleep

Probably you are all aware of the side effects of sleep deprivation, like feeling grumpy and less productive, but did you know that sleep deprivation can also negatively affect your skin?

Perhaps one of the most significant factors and unhealthy habits among people is getting insufficient sleep. Most people are unaware that a single night of insufficient sleep can accelerate the aging process and make older adults’ cells age quicker.  

Growth hormones help damaged skin cells repair themselves during deep sleep. A lack of sleep prevents your skin from having a chance to repair itself overnight. Eventually, this can lead to more visible aging signs. As with your physical health, the pesky stress hormone cortisol can harm your skin health. Sleep naturally reduces cortisol levels, which is good for your skin. As cortisol levels decrease, your skin becomes more resilient and protects itself. Missing sleep, however, disrupts the cycle. An excessive cortisol level can impair the body’s ability to heal and make acne more likely to occur.

Additionally, skin function and appearance are affected by the quality of sleep, which is vital for the growth and renewal of the immune system and physiology. The delicate balancing act of sleep and cortisol becomes unbalanced in sleep-deprived people, which leaves excess cortisol in the bloodstream. Unfortunately, this isn’t good news for your skin because cortisol encourages inflammation and suppresses DHEA, the “youth hormone” of the body. In turn, this can cause premature aging and make it more difficult for your skin to heal after free-radical damage. Therefore it’s essential to get enough sleep every night — 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep.

An elderly woman sleeping with makeup on

2. Sleeping with Make-Up On

 There have been nights when we were so tired that you ignored the makeup on our faces and slept instead. Pollutants such as dirt and makeup can cause oxidative damage to your skin. It causes the skin barrier to break down and prematurely ages your face.

Need proof? In 2013, the Daily Mail published an experiment in which a woman went an entire month without washing her face and reapplied her makeup over the unwashed skin every morning. After skipping cleansing for 30 days, experts said she aged ten years. 

Additionally, even though sleeping in your makeup may not cause an infection, if you already have an active abrasion, such as an inflamed pimple, an infection is possible due to the compromised skin barrier. The dyes and perfumes in makeup can also cause inflammation on the skin when left on for a long time. So, make sure to thoroughly clean your face with the best face washes before you go to sleep. 

 3. Exposure to the Sun

UVA and UVB rays reach our skin when exposed to the sun without protection. UVB radiation destroys and damages cells in the outer layers of the skin. There is a widespread belief that UVB is responsible for nearly all skin cancer. Still, a recent study indicates that UVA is also responsible for its fair share of damage – severe skin damage.

It’s UVA, not UVB, that we should pay attention to when it comes to aging. UVA penetrates deeply into our skin, activating receptors that reduce future skin elasticity. Sun exposure and wrinkles are linked by both thickening and loss of elasticity, and of course, both UVA and UVB also cause damage that can lead to skin cancers.

We all age at some point, but we can do things to minimize the sun’s effects. When going out in the sun, wearing a hat and sunscreen is one of the simplest measures; in this way, you’ll also be protecting yourself against skin cancer.

half young half old face

4. Sipping Out of a Straw

Do you use a straw when drinking dark sodas, tea, and coffee? It helps you prevent staining your pearly whites, but to your surprise, it can cause or worsen the fine lines around your mouth, which is a sign of skin aging.

When you sip out of a straw, you’re activating the muscles around the lips. The more we use these muscles, the more wrinkles we develop on our skin. Smokers also develop wrinkles around the mouth for the same reason. You don’t necessarily have to stay away from straws like the plague, but whenever you can get by without one, you should.

5. Rubbing the Eyes

Having bags under the eyes is a natural part of aging and occurs when the muscles around the eyes weaken and become saggy. Rubbing your eyes does not usually cause any side effects, but continuous eye rubbing may cause inflammation. Besides, constantly rubbing, pulling, and tugging on the delicate skin around the eyes can cause darkness, increase wrinkle formation and lead to lines around your eyes.


An elderly drinking water


6. Not Drinking Enough Water

You damage collagen and elastin, the fibrous cells that keep your skin firm and supple, by inhaling cigarette smoke. Your skin becomes hardened and less elastic in their absence, leading to deeper wrinkles and premature aging. You tend to notice these wrinkles most between the eyebrows, around the eyes, and the mouth and lips.

Also, smokers have sagging skin, particularly under their eyes and around their jawlines. They begin to wrinkle much earlier than those who do not smoke. Smoking also causes premature aging since it narrows the blood vessels, increases the production of free radicals, and lowers the levels of vitamin A in the skin.

Note that pursing your lips around a cigarette may also result in vertical wrinkles around the mouth.

7. Smoking

You damage collagen, elastin, the fibrous cells that keep your skin firm and supple, by inhaling cigarette smoke. Your skin becomes hardened and less elastic in their absence, leading to deeper wrinkles and premature aging. You tend to notice these wrinkles most between the eyebrows, around the eyes, and the mouth and lips. Also, smokers have sagging skin, particularly under their eyes and around their jawlines. They begin to wrinkle much earlier than those who do not smoke. Smoking also causes premature aging since it narrows the blood vessels, increases the production of free radicals, and lowers the levels of vitamin A in the skin.

Note that pursing your lips around a cigarette may also result in vertical wrinkles around the mouth.

An elderly smoking cigarette

8. Wearing Heavy and Low-Quality Makeup

The discussion of the harmful effects of makeup would be incomplete without mentioning aging – a phenomenon that propels most makeup consumption. It’s not uncommon for people to consume up to ten different products daily, which exposes them to considerable amounts of germs and toxins. Most of us may not be able to avoid using makeup. Many people have a morning routine that includes a dash of face powder, a swipe of lip gloss, and the perfect sweep of eyeliner. Sometimes, we may feel incomplete without using makeup products.

Perhaps this dependency on makeup is the root of all problems. All makeup consists of chemical compounds and artificial substances which can damage the elderly skin.

Using too much product on your skin can eventually exacerbate the wrinkles, lines, and spots you are trying to conceal.

Despite the importance of curbing your dependence on cosmetics, it is equally essential that the products you purchase are of good quality. Investing in branded products is better than purchasing unbranded, cheaper products. Also, if you don’t feel comfortable without makeup, you can try to reverse the effects of using makeup products by following useful skincare tips.

Final Words

Aging is inevitable; it brings with it drastic changes. Growing older is a part of life, yet the process mainly depends on us and our habits. Avoiding and changing some destructive habits helps delay or reduce the appearance of aging signs.

Read More:

Source Everyday Health The Jakarta Post
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2 years ago

You missed one of the most important ones: not having a skincare routine.
And by having a skincare routine, I don’t mean to use tons of expensive skincare products. Just wash your face every night, wear sunscreen every day, use a high-quality moisturizer and turn it into a habit by repeating these things every day. You’ll notice the effects and improvements after a short time.

2 years ago

I have the habit of sleeping on my stomach, and a friend once told me that it might harm my skin, causing wrinkles and fastening aging. Is that true? Has anyone heard about this?

2 years ago

To add the ninth destructive habit accelerating the aging of your skin, I should say “frowning” and ” raising your eyebrows while speaking.” These are the common mistakes almost all of us make without being aware of them. You may end up going for Botox to fix them.