Exercising at certain times of the day leads to more significant results. Sports scientists have conducted several studies on determining the best time to exercise for seniors, and in today’s article, we will discuss those times and the outcome for seniors.
Some seniors are accustomed to waking up early in the morning, making a cup of coffee, and then right away to the training. They may go to the gym soon, take long walks, walk their daily route, head to the pool, or do any other sport that they enjoy at the time. Not because it’s the best time to exercise, but because they enjoy doing it in the morning. On the other hand, some seniors prefer to postpone their exercise sessions to the afternoon.
The question is, which one is better?
When is the Best Time of Day to Workout
According to scientific studies, body temperature peaks in the afternoon, which means that a person will probably be able to exercise more intensely at this time and theoretically achieve better results. Protein production (the ability to use dietary proteins to repair muscle) also intensifies in the middle of the day.
However, you shouldn’t forget that the method of your exercises is also essential in determining success.

Protein production (the ability to use dietary proteins to repair muscle) also intensifies in the middle of the day; This also means that exercising at this time of day, the body’s ability to conclude from exercise is maximized.
Workout in the Afternoon
If you want to get the best results from an exercise or if you want to exercise at the highest possible intensity, the best time for you is when you experience the highest temperature during the day. This usually happens in the afternoon or early evening.
According to this theory, muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance also peak in the late afternoon. The body responds faster in the afternoon, and heart rate and blood pressure are at their highest. All of these improve your performance and reduce the risk of injury.
Researchers suggest that exercising in the evening increases physical strength, aerobic power, and strength by 8 to 30 percent. Speed powers also increase by 4 to 5 percent during the evening.
As you know, testosterone is an essential hormone for muscle growth and strength for both men and women. Doing resistance training in the evening produces more testosterone than the same amount of time in the morning. The stress hormone called cortisol also peaks in the morning and then gradually decreases during the day; Cortisol is associated with fat storage and accumulation and muscle breakdown.
So if you miss the morning workout, do not worry too much; Because if you postpone this time to the rest of the day, you can practice better.
The Disadvantage of Exercising in the Afternoon
There are also drawbacks to exercising late. Clubs and fitness centers are mostly open between 5 and 8 pm; This makes it difficult to access the machines, bench, or classes. The mid-morning shifts are less crowded. The number of people who visit the gym is low from 6 to 8 in the morning, but there are a great variety and mobility in these athletes’ training.
Also, exercise raises your heart rate and body temperature, and it can interfere with sleep in the late evening (after 8 am). One study found that exercising at 7 am compared to 1 pm or 7 pm improved sleep quality at night.
Workout in the Morning
Exercising in the afternoon and evening seems to increase athletes’ ability to a great extent. So should you exercise only at this time?
If your workout time is early in the day, you can increase your body’s metabolism faster and raise your muscles’ temperature, and the number of calories burned during the day will increase. Research data on this is unclear, but many trainers claim that if you exercise to lose weight, morning sessions in the early hours of the day will help you achieve this goal.

Psychologically, the tendency to exercise in the morning is more significant than doing it after a hard day. The mind and body are tired at the end of the day, which lowers willpower, and other tasks may occur with family or friends. In such a situation where it is not clear that you can do your exercises, it is no longer essential to exercise with higher intensity or increase hormones in the evening.
Does the Time of the Day Matter for Workout?
You do not need to be a scientist to determine the best workout time. Take about a week or two for each workout to determine when you enjoy the exercise more and how you feel during and after.
Another critical aspect of any fitness regimen is consistency. Cohesion is also beneficial when exercising.
If you have not yet set up regular and encouraging training sessions, planning to do it regularly will make exercise sessions a daily habit. Whether you start exercising in the first minutes of the day or at lunch, after work or after dinner; The most important thing is to make this exercise a part of your daily routine. People who have just started exercising and are trying to do irregular activity are in a position to give it up. At least as a rookie athlete, do not engage in periodic exercise.
What is the Best Time to Workout for Weight Loss?
A morning workout helps sugar and fat digestion boost your metabolism. Thus, it’s excellent for weight control. While exercising at night uses less energy and oxygen so you can accomplish more. Make sure you have a plan for what to eat before a workout to boost your metabolism and weight loss.
Final Word
Any form of movement is beneficial and highly suggested at any time of the day. You are in control of your body, and you know best what it needs.
If you decide to exercise in the morning, set aside time to warm up properly and if you decide to exercise in the afternoon, follow a routine. It helps to make your evening workouts an unavoidable part of your daily routine. Remember, the best workout time for seniors fits their schedule, allows for consistency and makes them feel comfortable and energizing for their body. It’s essential to consult with a doctor or qualified fitness professional before starting any new exercise program.
In my opinion, there’s no such thing as the right time or wrong time for exercise. Sure, it’s not sane to wake up in the middle of the night and go for a run and back to bed. But who would do that? The only right or wrong about exercise is the form of the exercises a person does base on his or her fitness level and abilities.
Hi Corvo. I have to disagree with you here. I lost around 26 pounds through intermittent fasting and exercise. On average, I lost more weight on weeks that I mainly worked out before eating my one meal ( I used to eat only one meal per day during my fasting days) compared to those in which I went for my exercise routine a few hours after having a meal.
There’s also another thing that I noticed. Exercising in the morning can help you feel more energized during the day. However, if you want more muscle gains, it’s better to do your workout in the afternoon. It’s because our bodies might feel weak and more numb due to sleeping for an extended period.
I think it is related to at what time of day you are used to working out. When I was 35, I used to go to the gym every other afternoon, and I was fine. I never even thought about working out in the morning. Recently I started exercising again, in the mornings this time. And some days, when I need to be somewhere in the morning, I try to make up for the missed morning session in the afternoon, and I get so exhausted because it’s not morning, and I feel I’m not energetic enough.
I am 72 years old, and I enjoy exercising in the morning because my best friend and son can join me since they are retired. They are fewer things to distract you in the morning. Whenever I walk early in the morning, I feel more energized throughout the day. Morning training is the best way for me to start the day positively. I feel a sense of accomplishment, giving me an optimistic mood. Many people feel sleepy after they wake up in the morning, so it can be challenging to find motivation.
I’ve never been interested in a workout in the morning! I’ve always been a night owl person the entire of my life. I even tried morning workouts a couple of years ago. But nothing changed! Exercising in the morning may be suitable for others, but It’s not my type.
It’s all about getting used to it. If you bear with it for a week, your second week would be easier than ever. The point is, you should do it every day!
I want to suggest to seniors like me start a workout in the mornings before breakfast. Because after you finish your workout, you will get too fresh. Your body will be stronger and more comfortable. So I think the morning is the best time for a workout.
Ow! no way. I can not even wake up, let alone work out! It’s tough for me. I wish I could ignore the sleep.
I used to care way too much about the best time of the day to train. But I guess whenever you feel like exercising, whenever you find time, just do the workout. Most people suggest exercising early in the morning since it gives a healthy start to the day, but I prefer to exercise in the evening. I think this time suits me the best, in every aspect. It’s not about time; it’s about habit. If you develop the habit of exercising every day, no matter what, you will find a time of the day to dedicate yourself to exercise.
For my grandma, the best time is right after eating a light breakfast and before her lunch. This provides her with the necessary energy to push through her day and maintain an optimal physical shape.
Well, as the article says, a morning workout is best for losing weight, so if your grandma is a bit overweight, she has picked the right time; otherwise, she would lose weight, maybe excessively. It’s crystal clear that a morning workout is super energizing and keeps your spirits high during the day.
I used to work out for 1–2 hours in the morning, but I haven’t worked out in a couple of years. Too much stress, problems, and so on.
Is it a good idea to work out at night? I’m getting too many different answers on the internet, so I thought I’d ask here.
Around 7 p.m., I eat dinner. Should I exercise before supper or a few hours after? I go to bed around 11 p.m.
It depends on your purpose of exercising. If it is just for losing weight or building muscles, avoid working out after dinner; you must wait for almost three or four hours after eating a meal; thus, probably morning is a better choice for working out.
I’ve read a hundred articles about the best time for exercise. The more I read, the more I realize it depends on your aim and workout goal, and last but not least, don’t forget about your health condition!
As seniors, what should be our priority is to improve our health condition. If you have a specific medical condition, consult your doctor before doing exercises. Being in shape is fantastic, but competing with Arnold is not our goal! It would be best if you do it for the improvement of cardiovascular health and to boost muscle strength.
I used to care waaay too much about the best time of the day to exercise. I’ve worked out every time during the day: 5am, 8am, midday, 5pm, and even 10pm.
The conclusion? The best time to train is the time you’re going to stick to and be consistent with.
Once I began lifting at least two times a week, every week, I made consistent progress.
Consistency beats everything in the long run. It’s about habit. If you develop the habit of exercising, no matter what, you will find out any time of the day to dedicate yourself to it.