The 5 Most Popular Movies for Senior
Have you ever heard of cinema therapy? Movies positively impact our overall health, whether we are aware of it or not. Although we are not talking about movies like Jaws(1975) or The Conjuring(2013) since those might have entirely different impacts.
In contrast, a well-written movie, starring actors you have known for years, can bring families or couples closer together and teach them new things…
If you have been a movie addict your whole life, you are already aware of these effects and need no convincing. But make sure to check out the list below and see if you have missed one of our 5 most popular movies for seniors on your watchlist. And if you are new to this cinema therapy concept, this is a fantastic place to start.
With these excellent movies for seniors and all the fantastic tv series listed here, you have plenty to keep you occupied for many months.
1.The Intern (2015)
Starting a new career can be challenging, especially if you’re already retired. While that might be the last thing most people want, Ben couldn’t wait to get back to it all. 70-year-old widower Ben Whittaker played by Robert De Niro, trying to get back into the game, seizes the chance to become a senior intern at a fashion website. Ben soon catches his young boss’s attention, Jules Ostin, played by Anne Hathaway. This movie is funny, gentle, easy-to-digest with a cast of entirely lovable characters.
De Niro is adorably calm and composed throughout the movie, and he brilliantly plays the mature, wise man who is struggling to cope with the latest technology and trends. And his co-star, Hathaway, plays the young CEO brilliantly with her clever body language, calculated tone and stylish clothing.
The chemistry between them works absolutely well, and nothing about it is a regular Hero-Heroine type, who wants another stereotype movie, right?
This is a heartwarming movie for seniors to watch, and you might even pick up a couple of life lessons while watching. If you want to end your day with a feel-good comedy-drama, then ‘The Intern’ is made for you.
2. Last Vegas (2013)
Need another uplifting comedy-drama? You’re not alone.
This is a tale of four old buddies reuniting in Las Vegas for Billy’s wedding.
Billy (Michael Douglas), Paddy (Robert De Niro), Archie (Morgan Freeman) and Sam (Kevin Kline) have been extremely close friends since childhood and have seen each other’s ups and downs for decades.
The four quickly realize they have some unresolved issues to deal with, and maybe, what happens in Vegas doesn’t necessarily stay in Vegas this time. The cast is quite outstanding, and there is no reason to advertise more as you already know they won’t be disappointing you with their performance.
This movie will show you the true meaning of friendship, loyalty and trust while delivering an important message: the party never stops, even if you get old. In fact, age has nothing to do with it. “Last Vegas” is an excellent, clean movie without any special effects, violence, or foul language; this is a fantastic movie for seniors.
3. Red (2010)
If you are wondering, RED stands for Retired, Extremely Dangerous.
And believe me, they really are. Frank Moses, a retired CIA agent, learns that his life is under threat from an assassin.
As he tries to protect himself, he reunites with his old assassin’s buddies to catch the man who is after killing him, and here’s the twist: Frank fell in love only weeks ago!
It’s an action, comedy, and romance all rolled into one very entertaining movie.
At times, the graphics are a little over the top, but that only adds to the comedic charm.
Bruce Willis is at his most charming, Helen Mirren is absolutely delicious as the gun-crazy sniper, Malkovich adds humour and weirdness and Morgan Freeman, as usual, adds style and clarity to any picture. The rest of the cast has also understood the assignment and nailed their parts.
4. Still Alice (2014)
Let’s get a bit serious, shall we? This movie is a must-watch for everyone, regardless of age, gender or where you live.
Brilliant and attractive, the 50-year-old linguistic professor Dr. Alice Howland played by Julianne Moore, gets the shock of her life when she tests positive for an early onset of familial Alzheimer’s disease. Julianne has outdone herself and is outstanding in this role. She captures and presents the whole range of emotions from being an intellectual professor to a patient with Alzheimer’s disease, which is quite a journey.
The direction is also fantastic, and every other actor, one being Alec Baldwin, has done a terrific job too. Cinematography is memorable, and you will learn a lot and unconsciously empathize with Alzheimer-affected families so much that you even surprise yourself.
A bit of warning here, it is painful to watch this movie as it unfolds but remember, Alzheimer’s affects one in nine people age 65 and older. It’s a fact. That’s just the way life is. I recommend watching this with your loved ones and talking about it afterwards. It is indeed thought-provoking and a must-watch movie for seniors.
5. Hope springs (2012)
Do you need a mood changer? How about some romance? Or, to be accurate, saving some romance if anything’s left.
Arnold and Kay have been married for a long time, and the longevity has left Kay wanting to spice things up a bit. I mean, who wouldn’t?! Things get serious when she seeks a counsellor’s help in the small town of Great Hope Springs.
It’s a beautiful movie with outstanding performances from Tommy Lee Jones and Meryl Streep. An absolute must-watch movie for seniors.
Now, do we need to advertise Meryl‘s performance here or having won 5 Oscars as an actress is enough to earn anyone’s trust? The plot revolves around the post-mid-life crisis of this couple, where they have lost intimacy and longing. Tommy Lee Jones steals the movie with one of his most emotionally satisfying and complex performances.
There is great chemistry between all three leads (Steve Carell being one of them), and it’s refreshing to see a film trying to take its subject matter seriously, not to say that there isn’t humour in it.
You can’t help but hope and root for them, trying to save their marriage. Try watching this with a partner, and you might get one or two useful relationship advice out of it. Or maybe even more.
Final words
In movies, we find a way to escape and consciously return to ourselves. Within all of these films, there is information about love, friendship, and life that is waiting to be received, processed, and used.
Watching movies is a great way to spend your free time. Just remember to mix it up with other hobbies and share your thoughts and reviews with your friends and family or in the comments. We all have a voice.
Red is a great movie! Probably one of my top 5 favourites of all time. It is an action, comedy, and romance all rolled into one incredibly funny movie. John Malkovich is the best character in the movie; the rest, particularly Hellen Mirren, is awesome. This movie is upbeat, exciting, and heartfelt all at the same time. The graphics might be a bit over the top, but I think that only adds to the comedic charm. I highly suggest this movie to all…I had a blast and was actually sad when it ended because I wanted more.
I love Red. I have watched it several times with my friends. It’s very funny and clever indeed. What I like is that the violence doesn’t want to be taken seriously. Fantastic cast….Helen Mirren in an evening gown looking breathtaking, always loved her. Bruce Willis is at his most charming too.
Malkovich, as always, adds a little strange and scary to his role. Morgan Freeman can’t do wrong; he never does, does he?
He adds style and clarity to any picture. This interesting group of characters makes Red a very entertaining movie to watch. I give it 4 out of five.
I only have watched the intern, and I approve wholeheartedly.
Such a beautiful and positive movie.
The movie mixes the modern startup culture so cleverly with the old school work styles.
Had a smile on my face throughout the whole movie. Anne Hathaway and Robert de Niro’s characters are very well written and played. And Jule’s daughter Paige was so adorable!
A beautiful movie to watch, on a bad day, to feel good and smile a little more than usual..!
This movie is a lot more than it shows from the outside.
I love hope springs…I thought it was beautifully played, with great chemistry between Jones and Streep. The dialogue was very true to life.
There’s so much in the movie that is 98 percent accurate; how many of you see it that way?
I look back at my married life and remember several things I missed as a very young girl.
I look back & now take most of the blame for why my marriage failed; the movie Hope Springs touched me in so many ways; I guess there’s a lot in that movie that many people would relate to.
I give “still Alice” 5 out of 5. I enjoyed how it captured all the spectrum of human emotions.
It’s hard to watch how one’s identity, one’s awareness of themselves, can go away with the condition they don’t even have control over. Julianne Moore was simply amazing at her role. The movie does shed light on what Alzheimer’s can do to you, of what you are before and what you become.
If you have someone in the family who has Alzheimer’s disease, I strongly recommend it.
Hats off to the production house and, of course, the cast…kudos