The Secrets to Baby-Like Soft Skin Revealed!

Getting old is inevitable, but taking good care of our skin as we get older isn’t complicated or even expensive if you know the basics and stick to the rules.
However, your skin might not be as firm as it used to be. It might also look thinner, and the arteries are visible beneath it. But these seniors’ skin changes are all the natural result of ageing and physiological changes in the body. Genetics, poor skincare and sun exposure are also contributing to an unsatisfactory result.
In short, many unavoidable changes occur between the ages of 60 and 70 in the skin, but that does not mean they are unsolvable. In other words, the condition and appearance of all skin types will improve with proper skin care and a healthy diet.

General Symptoms of Skin Aging

The ageing process occurs differently in everyone, but the general symptoms and the effects of ageing are usually the same:

Close up potrait of a senior man analyzing his skin condition with his hand in a mirror.
  • Dryness
  • Thinning of the skin
  • Itching
  • Formation of spots
  • Wrinkles
  • Skin infections
  • Bruising
  • Less sweating
  • Slower healing of the wounds

These signs are not desirable for most of us, and in some cases, they cause depression and isolation from society. However, the severity of skin problems in old age can be reduced or delayed by avoiding the following risk factors:

  • UV of the sun
  • Excessive or improper washing of the skin
  • Excessive use of cosmetics
  • Living in dirty areas
  • Sudden weight loss

Tips for Your Skin Care Routine

Dermatologists have various recommendations to protect your skin, and below, we will discuss the most effective ways to maintain the radiance for adults over 60:

Changing the Bathing Method for Better Skin Protection

A senior woman is relaxing in a bath tub .

Bathing is necessary to relieve dry skin, and some simple changes can alleviate dryness and itching of your skin and prevent dryness from becoming a severe problem:

  1. Stop using regular soaps. There are safer options like face wash.
  2. Do not use boiling hot water for bathing. Hot water removes the skin’s natural oils, which can increase the dryness of the skin.
  3. Use a soft cloth to wash your skin. Harsher bath clothes can irritate your skin.
  4. Keep your bath time short. You may even find that you do not need to take a bath every day. Ten minutes of bath or shower is enough for seniors.
  5. Gently dry the skin after bathing, but keep some moisture on your skin and use a dermatologist recommended lotion on all parts of your body.
  6. Use unscented moisturizers to reduce the dryness of your skin throughout the day. 

Changing the Humidity of Home

It is necessary to use air humidifiers and fumigation when the air in the house is dry. For instance, heating and air conditioning can remove moisture from the air, and dry air can cause dryness and itching in your sensitive skin. Therefore, maintaining the house’s internal humidity between 45 to 60% can help older adults take care of their skin and reduce dryness. You can also measure the air’s humidity with a hydrometer, which you can purchase at home appliance stores.

Wearing Gloves as a Protection

Seniors pursue outdoor activities like gardening and hiking passionately, and that is highly recommendable, but they can expose the skin to multiple chemicals and sunlight directly. So it is necessary to use proper gloves when doing housework or gardening. 

Using Sunscreen Cream

Senior man apply sunscreen on his shoulder to take care of his skin

Our bodies absorb vitamin D from the sun. However, excessive exposure to sunlight is dangerous for our health. It is necessary to use sunscreen daily and make sure it is dermatologist-approved. By not using sunscreen, wrinkles, age spots, and blemishes caused by skin discoloration may become more severe.
Using sunscreen also reduces the risk of skin cancer.
Make sure to use sunscreen with higher SPF. It is required to apply the cream on all body parts that are directly in contact with sunlight, and even so, Try to look for shady areas whenever you are outdoors because sunscreen cannot ensure 100% protection against the sun’s harmful rays.

Use Unscented Products

Use products that do not have a strong odour. Fragrances, colognes, and skincare products that contain fragrances can irritate your skin. 

Periodic Skin Cancer Examinations

See a dermatologist for periodic skin cancer examinations. Around the age of 50, the risk of skin cancer and pre-cancerous tumours increases. Once you diagnose and treat skin cancer early, no further treatment is needed, but it becomes more difficult with late diagnosis and the spread of skin cancer.

Reconsidering Your Medication

The elderly usually take several medications to keep some physical factors such as blood sugar and pressure under control. But some of these medications can cause skin irritations as a side effect. If you notice any change after taking your medicine, ask your doctor to prescribe an alternative treatment. Some ointments also cause skin dryness and should be avoided.

Enhance Collagen Production

Collagen is the most common protein in the body. It helps our body organs to come together and is very important for the strength of our skeletal structure. The cells look younger and more robust because the body’s collagen levels are higher. By increasing collagen production in your body, you can have a more youthful skin.

Skincare Tips to Increase Collagen

Happy healthy old woman holding face serum bottle in hand ,she is taking care of her skin

Aloe Vera

As explained fully here, Aloe Vera gel can heal wounds. It also increases collagen production.

Aloe Vera can be applied directly to the skin but taking an oral Aloe Vera supplement also improves your skin quality significantly.

Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid can accelerate recovery time and relieve joint pain. Without adequate amounts of vitamin C, your body will not benefit from the sources of hyaluronic acid. Studies show that hyaluronic acid can help boost collagen production in the human body. 

Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body but decreases with age. Oranges, red peppers, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and strawberries are all rich in vitamin C. 

More Resources: The Best Vitamins for the Elderly during Winter


The anti-ageing effects of ginseng are well known. Ginseng is absorbed into the skin without the side effects of chemical drugs and helps the skin retain its original vitality. It also boosts collagen growth. Studies have shown that ginseng can protect the skin against the effects of the sun’s ultraviolet rays too. Antioxidants that enter your bloodstream when you take ginseng supplements or drink ginseng tea can take care of healthy cells and increase skin radiance.

More Resources: Best Foods to Prevent Cancer in Old Age


Seaweed is gaining more and more popularity as a skincare and beauty ingredient. However, most skin damage is caused by oxidation or exposure to harmful elements. Seaweed prevents oxidation and loss of skin elasticity and collagen. You can eat seaweed in food or add them to your diet via a supplement.

Stop Smoking

A senior man is taking a woman's cigarette away.

Smoking can cause premature ageing of your skin. By quitting, you can enhance the vibrancy of your skin.

Smoking’s long-term effects include dry skin, uneven pigmentation, baggy eyes, a saggy jawline, and deeper facial wrinkles.


Healthy skin is an indicator of your body’s overall health. Although it is impossible to eliminate the effects of ageing altogether, it is wiser to take care of your body and precious skin health than to seek treatment in the future and try to reduce the effects of ageing by surgery or overuse of supplements.

  • Read More: 15 Best Mascara for Older Women
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3 years ago

A couple of years ago, my skin started getting itchy; it was so irritating that I couldn’t do anything during the day. My doctor ran some tests and told me to use baby wash and baby shampoo instead of scented soap. The result of my tests came, everything was normal, and my skin got better in less than a week just by using baby wash.

3 years ago

I’m 55, and I completely regret not seeing a dermatologist regularly when I was younger. Regular examinations really help you take care of your skin. I’ve made my daughter and son see their dermatologist at least once every season. Fortunately, it’s good for them.

3 years ago

I am a 65 years old man. Before reading this article, I always thought, caring for the skin is just important for women or young girls! but one month ago, I felt born in my skin. so I went to the doctor and he said, you have Exuma. so he prescribed some creams and gels for my skin. now I used to care about my asking health every day. because the skin is one of the most important parts of our body.

2 years ago

Personally, what I need is an exact routine that would tell me to use what product at what time of the day. I looked up a few skincare routines and there were a lot of options. Maybe it’s just my problem, but finding the best routine is very confusing.

Reply to  Tina
2 years ago

Exactly, it’s so important to find the best and suitable routine for your skin because proper skincare can help you feel more comfortable. There are a few easy things that dermatologists recommend, such as not using warm water because it increases your skin dryness, Using a soft cloth to wash your skin, applying a creamy, fragrance-free moisturizer at least twice a day which can help your skin feel fresh.

2 years ago

I suggest using coconut oil if you are dealing with dry and flaky skin. It may also help patients with eczema; it helps nourish and hydrate the skin.
Using natural treatments such as lemon juice works to get rid of age spots and make the skin softer.
In my experience, a humidifier helps control excessive dryness.
Hard water causes many skin troubles because chemicals, minerals, and metals can trigger an allergic reaction. A water softener can prevent that and drastically improve skin conditions.

2 years ago

I am pretty happy with my skin condition, and here is how:
Stop using bar soaps; I can’t stress this enough and use them with warm (not hot) water. After that, use a soft cloth to wash your skin.
I always keep my shower short and leave a bit of water on your skin.
I also apply a creamy, fragrance-free moisturizer formulated for dry skin 3 minutes after bathing and throughout my day.
The most important tip might be to never sleep with makeup.

2 years ago

I suggest a gentle cleanser and definitely moisturizer applied morning and at bedtime. Treat your skin to a nourishing mask a few times per month. I love a clay mask effect myself.
Also, pure jojoba oil is a fantastic moisturizer. Just a few drops applied to a wet face is all you need.
Most importantly, drink plenty of water every day.
Water might be the best skincare ever!

2 years ago

Never forget facial! I treat myself to a facial once every six weeks. It reduces stress and promotes relaxation and blood circulation, and also it prevents ageing by boosting cell regeneration.

2 years ago

My skin is ruined because of smoking. I smoked for 50 years, and I quit last year. But the negative impacts remained. Smoke less, guys, if you’re not quitting.

Reply to  Carter
2 years ago

Hey Carter, I think you should understand that it is never too late for anything that helps you live healthier. If smoking makes you suffer from skin dryness, the best way to cure it is to ensure your body stays properly hydrated. Proper hydration helps keep your skin looking youthful. The only way to actively not let smoke affect your skin is to stop smoking or get out of the area someone is smoking in. Also, you can apply a good moisturizer.

2 years ago

My mother has itchy skin. Her doctor told her that she’s suffering from eczema and that there isn’t much she can do about it. The only solution she got was to use baby shampoo and baby wash, plus a few lotions and creams. These products help her keep things from getting worse, but the itching pretty much never stops. Has anyone ever gone through the same experience? If so, what was the best method that helped you stop the itch?

2 years ago

I agree. Unfortunately, I haven’t found any professional facialists as of yet. Is there anyone you can recommend?

2 years ago

Informative article! It talks about points I’d never heard. In the section about changing bathing methods, it’s mentioned that we should avoid regular soaps. What about organic soaps made with natural oils? Do they really work for softening the skin? Has anybody had any experience with them?

Ellen Santos
Ellen Santos
2 years ago

Can anyone help me with Seaweed? Where can I get them? Can you suggest a good brand?