Everything Seniors Need To Know About Choosing the Right Sportswear

Dressing the part is sometimes as important as showing up.

The right outfit would subconsciously put you on the right path, but if you have decided to give exercising a serious try, you probably know choosing the right sportswear can be tricky. Not only is it essential to make the right decision, but the process will also be fun if you know what to do and where to do it.

You may be surprised to learn that buying sportswear has been the best motivation to start exercising for many people to enjoy the benefits of doing suitable sports and exercises


What are we looking for?

If you have been exercising for a while, but you get tired quickly and do not enjoy physical activity, you may have chosen the wrong clothes. Right sportswear for seniors should bring about comfort and prevent you from sweating. If you go to a sportswear store, different models, designs, and sizes of sportswear and equipment might confuse you. In general, the right sportswear should be comfortable, well-fitted, and perfectly sized for your body. 

Stay tuned with Living Maples to learn how to choose the right sportswear for seniors.

The Material of Sports Clothes for Seniors

The days when sportswear was the only cotton are over. Nowadays, for every kind of sport, you must choose clothes with the right material. For physical activity inside the house, selecting a moisture-absorbing T-shirt with a pair of comfortable pants is enough. But seniors who exercise regularly should choose their sports clothes like professional athletes. Here we introduce the most suitable type of material for each sport to help you choose the best sports clothes for seniors.

Spandex for Pilates

senior woman doing pilates

Pilates and yoga are among the exercises highly favoured by seniors. Due to absorbing moisture, spandex is used mainly in underwear. Spandex has good flexibility when bending and stretching, so it is the right choice for seniors doing yoga, Pilates, and aerobics.

Cotton for Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding might seem strange to be included in an article for seniors; however, like every other thing on the planet, this too has its own fans. Cotton absorbs moisture. Cotton sportswear is usually combined with polyester fibres so that it does not lose its shape over time. Clothing of this kind is ideal for seniors because they absorb a large part of body sweat during intense physical activity. These clothes are suitable for basketball, bodybuilding, and weightlifting, leading to a higher sweat level.

senior man fixing her shoes before exercise

Although cotton is the main material of many sportswear, it is not the best material. Cotton absorbs moisture but does not allow it to evaporate. When you sweat during exercise, the material absorbs the sweat, making it heavy and causing a bad smell. As you have already experienced, cotton clothes lose their shape over time and become looser after each wash. The absorption of moisture by cotton can also be harmful to health. The humid environment of the clothes paves the way for the growth of bacteria and fungi. So always make sure you wash and dry your cotton clothes after each workout.

Right Sports Clothes for Seniors Doing Stretching Exercises

Materials such as polyester, polypropylene, and graphite fall into this category. Unlike cotton cloths, these materials do not absorb moisture, and the moisture evaporates from the pores. The existence of pores allows the air to flow inside and quickly repels sweat. These types of clothes have high flexibility and do not tear during stretching movements. Seniors can wear sports clothes made of this material for various kinds of exercise.

The Most Important Features of Sports Clothes for Seniors

To not be confused while shopping for sportswear, There are three basic factors to consider: 

  • It should absorb moisture
  • Prevent bad smell
  • Keep you cool throughout your workout

Sports Shorts

Sports shorts usually have light materials to enable the person to move easily while doing workouts. Spandex is usually the best material for shorts. Both the inner and outer layers are made of fibres that hold the structure. The material should have pores to remove moisture. Their backs must have good traction.

Sports Pants

Their tight-fitting types are suitable for strenuous physical activity, but the looser type is suitable for sports such as yoga and Pilates. The fabric of the pants should be stretchy, and their tightness should not impede blood flow.

Sports Shirt

Sports shirts are among the most important sports clothes for seniors that need attention. Their material doesn’t absorb moisture and removes it from its tissues. Never select a too-loose shirt, as it will prevent you from moving your hands and feet during exercise.

Dumbbell exercises for elderly


It is a good idea to choose socks with high-strength washable fabrics. Spandex fibres are best for seniors’ sports socks, which protect the ankle and are a good shock absorber. Nanofibers also keep the foot dry and prevent stinky feet.

Sport Shoes

If you do not wear proper shoes during exercise, your knees and joints’ pressure will multiply. Sneakers should be the right size so that your ankle does not rotate, has high flexibility, and absorbs heavy blows using a multi-layered structure.


Final Words

Choosing the right sportswear is essential for seniors who want to stay active and healthy. Seniors should look for comfortable, safe, and designed clothing for their specific needs and consult with a healthcare professional if they have any concerns about their physical activity level. The right sportswear can improve performance, prevent injury during exercise and help the recovery process in-between workouts. Wearing sportswear during your training can greatly reduce the delayed onset of muscle soreness and post-workout muscle cramps compared to non-specific sportswear. 

Source everydayhealth sixtyandme
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Grace Urbain
Grace Urbain
3 years ago

I don’t know anything about fabric or clothes. I always wear cotton during exercise, and by exercise, I mean walking. But shoes and socks are very important. I wear New Balance sport shoes which are perfect. I never wear polystyrene socks; they make my feet sweaty. 

Arthur Jake
Arthur Jake
Reply to  Grace Urbain
2 years ago

I’m not an expert either, but I think cotton is excellent to wear during exercise. And yes, shoes and socks are essential, more essential than clothes.

3 years ago

I just realized how wrongly I dress for working out, thanks to this article. I work out every day, and to this day I had no clue I should care about what I wear when exercising.

Reply to  Mike
2 years ago

Precisely the same as me, it was astonishing to learn about the proper material of sports clothes for each specific sport. I never knew and cared about it and thought any sports clothes were suitable for any sport. Excellent article and I suppose that we should share with anyone doing sports, whether the elderly or the young.

3 years ago

Cloths!Cloths!Cloths! I am a specialist in sports clothes. Guys, if you want to have more productivity during body activities, never forget to wear the proper suit. Your body needs to sweat, and then your lings should work perfectly. so if you wear tight clothes or low-quality clothes, your body will lose energy soon and waste your calories!

Reply to  Mark
2 years ago

I agree with you. Suitable clothing is essential for doing exercise, first of all, we must choose comfortable clothes that let us move quickly. According to my personal experience, cotton clothes are the best, because they are breathable and easy to wear and take off.

2 years ago

Nanofiber socks are the best, without any doubt. Do not even think about other fabrics for your socks. I tried almost all kinds of them, and nanofiber satisfied me.

2 years ago

Oops! I have never thought of wearing a proper cloth to work out. Actually, I wear whatever with which I feel comfortable. Thanks for this informative article.

2 years ago

To each their own, I guess…
Anything which makes it comfortable for you to work out, go for it. You can wear a suit if it makes you feel good about yourself. 
For me, Polyester-based or quick-dry fabric is the best. I sweat a lot during the workout, and it needs to be evaporated as fast as possible; I can’t stand the smell.
Cotton fabrics are the worst for any activity which involves sweating; it doesn’t dry fast. And once it’s wet, the friction between the body and the cloth increases, resulting in rashes…

2 years ago

Wearing clothes that make you sweat is usually the best option for exercising. However, there are specific fat cells called brown adipose tissue, whose job is to discharge energy in the form of heat. They’re only burned if the weather is cold. It’s the same reason why mountain climbers lose weight after they come back from the mountains. Knowing this, I lost a bunch of weight by going for long walks during the winter. I suggest others do the same if their goal is losing body fat.

2 years ago

In the old battle between cotton and polyester, cotton always wins; because it absorbs sweat and nasty odours, and I’m not allergic to this material. Unlike cotton, polyester gives off more post-exercise stench, and due to its molecular structure, it doesn’t absorb sweat and moisture.

2 years ago

I was struggling to find the proper sportswear. It’s good to know that there’s a website dedicated to your needs. Now I know what brand, material and type of clothing I need. Thank you very much.

2 years ago

I just turned 75. I can not believe I have gone on without knowing how to purchase suitable sports clothing for myself. Nobody talks about this stuff. For me, Convenience is the most critical consideration. Because if I am not comfortable in my sports clothing, I will not enjoy working out. I always tell my friends and loved ones to ensure that the training clothes they choose are flexible enough, have enough stretch, are breathable, and can be taken off effortlessly.