Post-Workout Recovery Drinks: Senior’s Guide

Can you believe people who do not exercise regularly may lose up to 80% of their muscle strength? That might literally be the last thing we want in our golden years. But discussing exercise is always easier than actually doing it. We need assistance and boosters, and that’s where the post-workout drinks say hello.

Food and drinks that you consume after a workout are essential to restoring energy, building muscle, and burning fat. 

The following list includes some practical ideas for rehydrating after exercise, replenishing depleted glycogen stores, and repairing muscle tissue. Whether you are trying to lose weight or want to have a healthy lifestyle, reading this article about what to eat after a workout can be useful. You can also read about what to eat after a workout in our magazine.

What to drink after a workout?

What to Drink After a Workout for Seniors?

When it comes to seniors’ health, post-workout drinks are really important. During a workout, you lose fluids through sweat; replenishing those fluids is vital to prevent dehydration. Drinking water or a sports drink with electrolytes can help replace lost fluids and minerals. Similarly, after a workout, your muscles need to recover and repair. Consuming protein-rich drinks can help rebuild and strengthen muscle tissue. To burn fat and build muscle and recover faster, you need to rehydrate; here are some beneficial drinks which contain vitamins for the elderly and help you rehydrate.

Tart Cherry Juice

Drinking tart cherry juice after a workout can prevent muscle damage as it is loaded with anthocyanin. Cherry juice is an excellent beverage for both endurance athletes and people who enjoy exercising; it’s also an excellent source of vitamins for the elderly.

What to drink after a workout

Green Juice

You can make green juice by mixing kale, cucumbers, celery, ginger, and apples if you’re thinking about what to drink after a workout. Green juice is one of the best post-workout beverages.

Cucumbers help regulate body temperature and provide cooling. Kale is full of calcium and replaces lost electrolytes. Any juice with celery will hydrate after exercising and restore electrolytes.

What to drink after a workout

Beetroot Juice

You can increase your performance by drinking beetroot juice, which increases plasma Nitrate. It also helps you stay healthy by maintaining a healthy weight. You can add mint, carrots, or apples to enhance the taste.

What to drink after a workout

What to Drink After a Workout to Lose Weight?

Weight loss in the elderly is not as difficult as it sounds. The best exercise for seniors helps you lose weight by burning extra calories. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness; among the benefits of Fruit Vs. Fruit juice for seniors is also weight loss that the elderly can help with weight loss by drinking healthy juices. But what to eat after a workout to lose weight is also essential.

After your workout session, you should consume carbohydrates and protein to help replace your glycogen stores and build muscle. The timing is also important; don’t wait more than 30 minutes to get the best result.


To enhance metabolism, digestive and kidney health, you should drink water, whether you work out or have a sedentary lifestyle. Studies suggest that water may help with weight loss in various ways, including suppressing your appetite, boosting your metabolism, and making exercise more manageable and more efficient, all of which could contribute to weight loss results on the scale.

What to drink after a workout

Low-Fat Milk

Milk is an excellent source for the elderly. Milk contains sodium and potassium, which play a crucial role in electrolyte balance in your body. You can’t replace the water you drink daily with milk, but a balanced portion of milk will help you stay hydrated. Besides providing energy, milk also contains calcium, which helps you lose weight. 

What to drink after a workout

Fruity Radish Juice

Radishes are high in antioxidants, including catechin, pyrogallol, vanillic acid, and other polyphenols. Radishes also contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps protect cells from damage. Since radishes are a great source of fibre, they can help maintain a healthy weight and BMI range for seniors.

To make fruity radish juice, you can mix apples, lemon, carrots, celery, ginger, and orange.

What to drink after a workout

Black and Green Tea

Since tea contains high antioxidants, it helps reduce muscle soreness and speed muscle recovery after exercise. Both black and green tea are excellent post-workout drinks. Green tea can also boost your metabolism and help you lose weight.

What to drink after a workout

What to Drink After Morning Workout for Seniors?

The morning workout for seniors also has some guidelines for drinking, which will be discussed in the following.

Chocolate Milk

Since chocolate milk has high water content, essential electrolytes, protein, and carbs to replace lost glycogen, it’s a great post-workout drink. Several studies suggest that chocolate milk is beneficial, particularly to cyclists, endurance athletes, and runners.

What to drink after a workout

Coconut Water

Coconut water contains high electrolytes, antioxidants, and nutrients, making it a great post-workout beverage. It contains potassium, magnesium, and calcium that can help us have stronger bones.

What to drink after a workout

Non-Dairy Milk

Whether you are lactose intolerant or want to enjoy a different beverage after your workout, non-dairy milk is a great option. There are several kinds of non-dairy milk, and each of them has different sorts of minerals.

What to drink after a workout

Hemp Milk: it is high in protein, healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fats, and no carbs.

Oat Milk: oat milk is a good source of fibre and carbs. It is also naturally sweet and contains a small amount of soluble fibre. Soluble fibre forms a gel during digestion by absorbing water, making it easier to digest and feel full longer. It may also help keep blood sugar levels stable.

Almond Milk: This non-dairy milk alternative has a great taste for people who don’t like dairy milk or don’t want to drink it. However, it can be harmful to those with an allergy to tree nuts. Keep in mind that almond milk is a good source of vitamin E, but it’s low in protein, so if you are drinking almond milk as a post-workout drink, it’s best to have your protein snack.

Soy Milk: Soy milk is a great option for those who avoid dairy but want a milk beverage with higher protein content. Besides the many health benefits of soy milk, the amount of high protein makes it an excellent post-workout drink for seniors.

Read more: The Benefits of Post-Workout Massage for Seniors.

Final Words

You can choose the best post-workout drink based on your taste and health condition. Try not to wait more than 45 minutes after your exercise session to get the best result. And don’t forget what to drink before a workout is also essential for elderly health and helping you towards your goal.

Source healthline healthline webmd
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3 years ago

Nothing makes me happier than a new tasty beverage! I’m going to try all these drinks after my workouts! But my favourite workout drink is lemon syrup. It’s really effective before, during and after a workout. I add about one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey to about half a litre of water. The taste is magnificent, plus it’s an excellent homemade energy drink.

3 years ago

 I used to drink chocolate milk after my workout, but my friends told me it kills all the efforts I made to lose weight, so I stopped drinking it and replaced it with green juice, which, yes, is more beneficial but let’s face it, it’s nowhere near as tasty as chocolate milk. And now I’m seeing it as a good post-workout drink. I should go attack my friends with this article now.

Reply to  angela
3 years ago

Hahaha! That was funny. I know how you feel right now. :))

Reply to  angela
3 years ago

The same situation happened to me, except the person who told me not to drink chocolate milk after my workouts was my gym coach! I used to work out four times a week and have hot chocolate milk afterward, but I stopped drinking it after my coach said it undoes all my work. However, what makes me sad is that I did not even add sugar to my chocolate milk. It was just hot milk and chocolate powder. Luckily we are friends, so I sent him the link to this article so he wouldn’t share wrong information with other people coming to the gym.

3 years ago

Is that Tart Cherry juice a beneficial drink after a workout??? I think some unique sour cherry compounds cause blood thinning and reduce blood pressure, and I think they may negatively affect seniors’ bodies after a workout! 

Reply to  Jacob
2 years ago

I think differently. After an intense workout, Researchers found that cherry juice consumption improved isometric muscle strength recovery. I believe the reason is that the high level of polyphenols (which include flavonoids and anthocyanins) in tart cherry juice helps reduce oxidative damage, and I haven’t heard about its effect on blood pressure; it shouldn’t be significant.

3 years ago

I really like mix coconut water with chocolate milk; this is a magical taste! You will love it. Because after heavy exercise, our body needs to give enough calories, so chocolate and coconut can restore our energy and are very delicious. Then, when your body is backed to the normal situation, you can eat your meal. for example, eating rice and meat will be good and make you so happy!

Reply to  Reynold
3 years ago

Thanks, Reynold! It’s a heavenly mix! I enjoyed your recommendation. Is there any other suggestion that you can give? Heavenly-mix wise of course

3 years ago

I’ve experimented with lots of different foods, drinks, and supplements over the years, and I’ve found I function just fine with a few grams of creatine and a few grams of l-tyrosine mixed into a cup of strong coffee.
If I’m quite hungry, I’ll eat an apple as well.
That’s before exercise. 
After, I stick with good old water and a protein shake.
I once received a complimentary pre-workout drink with a protein powder purchase. I didn’t notice any difference… 
I’m sure professional athletes do things differently. But this is simple, satisfying, and it works nicely for me.

3 years ago

Coconut water is a great drink because it causes the body to hydrate more effectively, and it’s rich in carbohydrates and electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium. There is a lot of interest in using coconut water to treat and prevent dehydration. But be careful not to drink coconut water if you have high potassium levels in the blood.

3 years ago

After working out, I used to drink water. Now, I have a variety of choices thanks to your great article.

3 years ago

How about a mixture of the drinks mentioned? The drink I make for my exercise time is a mix of low-fat milk, coconut milk and, of course, some dates. It’s unbelievably tasty and energizing. As the article says, your aim of doing sport also determines your type of beverage.

Solomon D.
Solomon D.
2 years ago

My doctor advised me to drink soy milk after every exercise session. He said exactly what you’ve mentioned in the article. It has more protein than regular milk. Also, I like its taste. I recommend anyone who exercises regularly to try it.